Top 3 Tips to Eliminate Green Pond Water

We are all about going green, except for when it comes to our pond water! Green water is something that most pond owners will encounter at some point, so it’s important to know what causes green water and how to combat it.

What causes green water?

Green water is simply an overgrowth of a single-cell organism called algae. There are a few reasons that the algae growth can be triggered including temperature, whether the pond is in shade or full sun, fish load, excess nutrients in the pond, inadequate filtration, pond maturity, etc. The following three recommendations have proven very effective for our customers to help clear up their green ponds.

Automatic Dosing System

The Automatic Dosing System is highly recommended for all pond owners. This system doses your pond at regular intervals with the appropriate amount of water treatments to keep your pond clear with minimal work.

At the first sign of green water, put a pack of the Clear water treatment in your Automatic Dosing System. This treatment is highly effective at clearing up cloudy or green water. For ponds that are especially green or cloudy, use the double dose button on the panel to dispense even more product into your pond for a short amount of time.

Beneficial Bacteria & SAB

If you don’t have an Automatic Dosing System yet, simply use Beneficial Bacteria & SAB in your pond to quickly and safely clear up the green water. We recommend using the Beneficial Bacteria every day for a week and the SAB twice a week to help clear up green ponds.

One other water treatment that is very effective against green water is Rapid Clear and the Rapid Clear Filter Pads. Rapid Clear is a powerful flocculant designed to clump microscopic debris together in order for the filter to be able to catch it.

Add Aquatic Plants

One of the best ways we have found to combat green water is by adding plants to the pond. 50%-60% of the surface of your pond should be covered with plants if your pond is in full sun. Floating plants are ideal for covering your pond during the summer as they draw 100% of the nutrients they need directly from the water, essentially starving the algae of the nutrients it needs to grow.


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